Social media marketing is essential to thriving as an architecture firm, or any other company in today’s construction industry. But consistently creating good posts that generate engagement is a challenge. It can be helpful to have a framework to follow, and as such, listed below are three types of social media posts you should be posting every week.
Business social media posts should be kept light, engaging, and interesting to your target audience. You want to inform customers about your products and services, but social media is not the platform for making sales pitches.
Social media is about building relationships, establishing your reputation as a professional in the construction industry, and gaining the trust of your clients. As the saying goes, social media should be kept social.
Who, What, and How are the 3 essential post types you should be posting consistently. An effective social media marketing strategy has a balance of all 3.
Who posts are about people: You, your employees, your customers, your company’s history. The purpose of Who posts are to emphasize the human side of your business. This makes your company more likable and helps build a personal relationship between your firm and your clients.
Examples would include a picture of you signing a big contract with a client, a post praising an employee, or general photos of your team, such as from your annual Christmas party. For smaller companies, personal posts of family highlights are appropriate occasionally but should be kept to a minimum.

Post shout-outs to employees, business partners, and subcontractors. If you have a client who isn’t following your page, mentioning them in posts will greatly increase the likelihood of them following your page.
And hey, everyone likes being mentioned or praised on social media, so telling the world that they are great people to work with will strengthen your relationship. This is particularly true on LinkedIn, which is generally considered the best social media platform for B2B companies in the construction industry.
What posts are status updates that show clients what you do. They are your portfolio. These posts show that you do good work, are trusted by other clients to handle big projects, and also helps potential clients see how you could turn their vision into reality.

Examples include photos of ongoing projects, “Before and After” photos, or a beautiful twilight image showcasing the finished product at its finest. Professional-quality photos and video matter here, not only because they get more followers and likes, but because it shows others that your company takes pride in what you do.
How posts are where you explain your world to your customers. Show them that you are an expert in the technical details of your business. Maybe you share a quick video explaining how your earthmoving crew uses GPS technology to ensure centimeter-level accuracy while grading, or perhaps you explain the difference between particular architecture styles.
Take the time to describe in simple English your capabilities, your work processes, and why that helps your customers. If there is a question prospective customers frequently ask, answer it in a post!
A Note on Social Media Platforms:
If your company relies on word of mouth and personal relationships to bring in new business, you should be spending more time on LinkedIn.
Two or three posts each week showing your work and your team will go a long way towards building trust and stronger relationships with professional connections on LinkedIn. Don’t ask for their business, simply show them who you are, and why you are awesome to work with.
All businesses should have a minor Facebook presence, without one they look a bit sketchy. But for companies engaged in business-to-business (B2B) marketing like construction companies and architects, Facebook is usually not an effective platform.
Instagram is still the best platform for organic outreach for most businesses as of 2021, and a lot of that outreach comes through the correct use of hashtags. Here is a good article on the subject.
Do you need architectural photography or high-quality promotional videos for your marketing? I’d love to share how I could help you. As a photographer and videographer creating content for architects and construction companies in Nashville and Tennessee, I have seen first-hand how effective social media marketing can be, when done correctly.